Lifestyle Concept lamps by Karolek

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SR500 flat tracker engine rebuilt

No wiec wczoraj zabralismy sie z Panem Slawkiem za skladanie jego silnika. Plan byl taki, zeby zamknac kartery i zostal zrealizowany w 100%. Dzis kolejny etap prac - cylindry, glowica i zamkniecie gory silnika. Dzien trzeci przeznaczamy na montaz mechanizmu wybierania biegow, sprzegla i calej reszty.

Sound of Honda - Ayrton Senna 1989

In 1989, the incredible Ayrton Senna completed a lap of the Japanese F1 circuit, smashing a world record in the process. On board was Honda’s engine telemetry system which recorded a bunch of information from the car. Now, almost a decade after his death, Honda is using that same data, along with some giant speakers and lights to recreate that incredible lap in a flurry of noise. This is a beautiful tribute.

Honda took the racing telemetry from Senna’s F1 car in 1989 and positioned a series of lights and speakers along the racing-line on the Japanese F1 GP course.

The lights and noise fuse perfectly to create almost a ghost of Senna’s F1 car flying around the track in a haze of engine screams.


Photo by  Piotr Szymański/OKtany

Thursday 25 July 2013