Thursday 9 May 2013

CB550 new engine shieeeeet

Wreszcie nastal ten dzien !! Pan Slawek odebral paczke z samiutkiego Texasu a nawet troche z Kalifornii. Tym sposobem mamy do Hondy nastepujace graty: przerobiony walek rozrzadu (MOC KURWAAAA), sprezyny zaworowe, szpilki, tloki big bore, sprzeglo, uszczelki i inne cuda wianki ktorych nie sposob spamietac. Grunt, ze teraz cylindry leca do rozwiertu, glowica do obrobki a Pan Zajac nie ma wymowki i musi wreszcie zaczac nakurwiac dol silnika. Juz 21 maja planowane rozpoczecie skladania tego wszystkiego.

Finally this day came !! Pan Slawek received package from Texas and even a little bit from Cali. This way we have for Honda following parts: tuned cam shaft (POWER BITCH ), valve springs, big bore pistons, gaskets and some other small shit I don't even remember. What matters is that cylinders are now going for big bore, head will be also done and Pan Zajac is run out of excuses and he has to work on engine bottom. On May 21st putting this together is planned.